Hardened deposits that form in the gallbladder are referred to as gallstones or cholelithiasis. The smaller organ resides below the liver, and these stones vary according to size, shape and composition. Their health risks and treatment options depend on these factors. There is a clear relation between the gallstone size and the risks associated with it, hence it can be managed effectively if managed on time.
Are Gallstones Consistent In Size?
Gallstones have the capacity to vary dramatically in size, with the potential to measure between a sand grain to the size of a golf ball. Determining the potential safety of these stones heavily depends on the size.
Gallstones Size Chart in mm and Chances of Passing Naturally
Microstones (less than 5 mm): These small stones can often go unnoticed as they pass through bile ducts, however, they do pose some risk as such kidney stones are a risk factor for developing acute biliary pancreatitis.
Small Stones (5 mm to 1 cm): Stones of this size have a likelihood of developing complications particularly if they move into the bile duct as this can lead to cholecystitis and pancreatitis.
Medium Stones (1 cm to 2 cm): 1 cm to 2 cm stones have also shown to facilitate chances of complications in greater volumes compared to smaller stones.
Large Stones: When the stone diameter is over 2-3 cm, it becomes hard to pass through bile ducts and lead to an increased risk of bile duct cancer. Such stones have also been linked to a heightened risk of gallbladder cancer.
When Is It Important To Perform Gallbladder Removal Surgery?
The management of gallstones in consideration of their size and their pathology are
Asymptomatic Gallstones: Many people who have gallstones do not have any symptoms. In such situations, there is no need for any intervention unless an individual is at risk of developing complications, so a “watchful waiting” strategy is a safer option.
Symptomatic Gallstones: Medications or surgical methods such as cholecystectomy have become the first-line treatment for people suffering from pain because of gallstones.
Management of Gallstones According to Their Size
Management differs as per their size and the symptoms complained of by the patient:
Small Stones: Even oral medications can be effective in such types of gallstones or patients expectant followed by an laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Medium Stones: In most cases medically treated and monitoring may be required but symptomatic patients will require surgical treatment.
Large Stones: Gallstones become symptomatic in the majority of patients and surgical treatment is warranted because of the risk of complications.
Signs And Symptoms Of Gallstones Of Different Size Types
Signs and symptoms vary with regards to the size of the stones as follows:
Microstones: There’s a chance that these can cause biliary colic leading to severe pain resulting from their movement into the bile duct or even pancreatitis.
Small Stones: Small gallstones tend to trigger the severe form of biliary colic nausea vomitting as well as biliary pancreatitis.
Lager Stones: Chronic inflammation, infection or perforation of the gallbladder are some of the complications that they can induce.
What Difference Does The Size Of Gallstones Make?
Complications are proportional to the size of gallstones as the greater the size greater the chance of suffering the consequences. Blockages are more likely to occur with smaller migrating stones, while severe chronic diseases needing surgical procedures are more likely to be caused by large gallstones.
Habilite Clinics – We Treat All Gravestones Sizes
Habilite Clinics is a multi-specialty surgery center located in South Delhi, specializing in customized, minimally invasive laparoscopic and laser surgery treatment for anorectal and abdominal disorders. The objective of such services is to reduce the time patients spend at clinics or hospitals while saving them from the trouble of multiple visits to different specialists. The treatment portal listens to the patient’s concern, provides adequate and thorough examination and then subsequently recommends a treatment which is tailored to the individual.
Dr. Kapil Agrawal is a leading laparoscopic surgeon with experience, skills, and good patient interaction capabilities. A highly accomplished gallbladder stone surgeon in Delhi who was trained at some of the best hospitals in London, he has 23 years of experience. He has done over 7000 advanced laparoscopic and robot-assisted gall bladder surgeries.
Dr Kapil Agrawal is a best gallbladder surgeon in Delhi well, trained and certified to perform advanced laparoscopic, Single Incision Laparoscopy, and Robotic surgeries.
Which Size of Gallbladder Stone is Dangerous?
As a rule of thumb stones above 1cm in size are more capable of inducing complications while stones between 5-8 mm are likely to pass unnoticed without blocking ducts.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. What are gallstones made from?
Gallstones can be formed of cholesterol, bilirubin (which is a pigment) or of both. The most frequent type of stones are cholesterol ones.
2. What are the signs that I may be suffering from gallstones?
Some of the common symptoms of gallstones include excruciating pain in the abdomen predominantly in the post meal period especially for fatty foods, nausea, vomiting and jaundice (the yellowish discoloration of the skin or the eyes). There are some patients who do not show any of these gallstones symptoms.
3. Are small stones a risk?
Yes, small stones may complicate matters if they cause obstruction to the bile and if they go into the bile ducts.
4. Do gallstones always require surgery?
Not always. You may not need surgery if you have asymptomatic gallstones. In case you have symptoms or you have other complications however, you may be advised gallbladder surgery to remove the gallbladder.
5. How can I reduce the chances of forming gallstones?
You can lower the chances of developing gallstones by ensuring optimal body weight , having a balanced well nourished diet enriched in fiber, shunning away from rapid weight loss as well as being physically active.
6. Who is the best gallbladder stone specialist in Delhi?
Dr. Kapil Agrawal is one of the best laparoscopic surgeon in delhi and has performed more than 7000 gallbladder stone surgeries with excellent outcomes.
The effective management and treatment of gallstones requires an understanding of their size and their relative risk. If a person is diagnosed then they should schedule regular checkups especially if they have symptoms or larger stones.
Early treatment will save a person from the severe effects of gallstones, these may include pancreatitis or the chance of developing cancer, especially those linked with larger stones. In case you suspect you might have gallstones or face any symptoms you should get in touch with a healthcare professional for recommendations and appropriate treatment.
Author Bio: Dr. Kapil Agrawal holds 22+ years of rich experience in General Laparoscopic Surgeries (including Gallbladder Stone, appendix removal, hernia surgery, piles, lipoma, circumcision and fissure surgeries) and Bariatric Surgeries. He is a Senior Consultant with the Apollo Group of Hospitals in Delhi. Dr. Kapil has completed over 7000 Laparoscopic surgeries for all National and International Patients.
Thanks, very well explained about gallbladder stones. I am also suffering from gallstone and would like to show my report to Dr. Kapil Agrawal.