Intermittent fasting is one of the most advantageous trends. It can be a great option for those experiencing menopause. Weight gain is one of the most common side effects of menopause, and along with that, you can couple other effects like sluggishness and acidity.
The high rates of abdominal fat also bring down the metabolic rate, further increasing complications. Intermittent fasting can be a great dietary strategy. Various options are available under the intermittent strategy, and based on that, you can set your fasting window. If done correctly, intermittent fasting during menopause is highly suggested and beneficial.
What Is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent fasting, as the name refers to, is fasting at intervals and eating only within a short window of time. It is a completely cyclic approach; hence, you are allowed to eat for a certain period and then go completely fasting. The proforma of intermittent fasting varies, and usually, there are three common options:
● 16/8 method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat for 8 hours.
● The 5:2 method is where you normally eat for five days and then fast for two days.
● Finally, the eat-stop method lets you fast completely for one or two days.
How Does Intermittent Fasting Impact Your Menopause?
Practicing intermittent fasting regularly can have a great impact on your health if you know how to do it in the right way. But wondering how you can benefit from intermittent fasting?
1. Losing Weight
The first impact of intermittent fasting can be seen in weight loss. Menopausal women often are at risk of gaining a bit of weight, and this usually gets worse as time proceeds. For women with stubborn fat, intermittent fasting works magic and can help them lose weight.
Intermittent fasting boosts your metabolic function, and not eating anything makes your body use the energy it has been saving. This reduces the risk of obesity-related problems in menopausal women and ensures that the body's functioning can be improved.
2. Controls Levels of Blood Sugar
Menopausal women are doubly at risk of developing blood sugar and conditions related to the same. Intermittent fasting can provide some aid in this. The insulin levels can improve greatly due to intermittent fasting, which has an impact on blood sugar levels.
Moreover, with the help of insulin sensitivity, the chances of a spike are reduced, and this has a great impact on blood sugar levels to a great extent. If you are already diabetic or prediabetic, intermittent fasting can help in regulation and maintenance.
3. Reduces the Risk of Heart Diseases
Menopausal women are at a higher risk of developing most types of cardiac issues. This is majorly due to the low estrogen levels and higher cholesterol changes.
Not only that, the high level of cholesterol can lead to the option of suffering from a heart attack. Intermittent fasting takes care of your cholesterol levels and ensures you are under check. The potential causes of developing any heart-related disease are under control.
Moreover, intermittent fasting helps you stay fit, impacts your body's lipid profile, and takes care of heart diseases.
4. Better Sleep Cycle
Intermittent fasting is one of the most effective, peaceful, and sound sleep methods. For menopausal women, sleep becomes a big problem as they are unable to manage the night flashes and regular sleep disturbances.
However, studies have indicated that intermittent fasting can improve the quality of sleep, which in turn can help you have a better sleep cycle.
Following Intermittent Fasting During Menopause In the Right Way
Menopause can be confusing, and it gets worse when individuals do not have an idea about what they should do. However, there are some simple things that you can do to ensure that you are following intermittent fasting the right way during or just before your menopausal years.
1. Listen to Your Body
You must start listening to your body and see how it responds to intermittent fasting. If you notice that you are feeling weak and tired, then it is best to avoid intermittent fasting and try another diet.
2. Professional Help
Suppose you do not have much knowledge in the field and want to be under someone who can guide you throughout. Get in touch with a professional as soon as possible. This could be a gynecologist or even your dietician.
3. Check Your Needs
And finally, during the time of menopause, your body goes through a lot of changes. Hence, ensuring you can meet all your needs is important. Always ensure that you have a balanced diet and that the important elements like magnesium, zinc, and calcium requirements are met.
Want to know more about intermittent fasting and how it can impact someone in menopause? Read from Sabrina Johnson, an absolute genius in the field who can help you with the most promising information. Intermittent fasting can be challenging at first, but once you know the procedure, it becomes much simpler.