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PET Scans a New Way Towards Better Diagnostic World for Patients and Doctors


Introduction to PET Scan

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans a boon in detection of disease in your body. PET scan is a highly sensitive technique to detect the extent of spread of cancer. PET scans detect the disease as early as possible because of its exceptional capacity to provide metabolic and anatomical data. This critical non-invasive imaging technique just takes 30 minutes to scan the patient. 


The combined PET CT Scan in Delhi allows doctors to pinpoint location and stage of tumour. The combination of these advanced technologies provides detailed information that can alter the patient's treatment plan for better outcomes. Primarily PET/CT scan is used in cancer treatment but it is also useful in detecting heart disease, neurological disorders such as parkinson’s disease, epilepsy etc. 

PET Scan in Detection of Disease and Early Diagnosis

Positron Emission Tomography(PET) scan has the ability to measure metabolic activity allowing for early detection of disease and assessment of treatment effectiveness. A medicine which is injected during the procedure will collect in areas of higher chemical activity, these areas shown up as bright spots which indicates the disease exact location  and extent. 

Reasonable Accuracy With PET Scan

PET Scan -The diagnostic map that facilitates the localization of the cancer location, spread and extent. PET and PET-CT offers unparalleled accuracy in detecting and in identification of benign and malignant  growths. Cost of PET scan in Delhi varies because of several factors like location, age of the machine, hospital, doctor referral and tie-ups. Its cost effective method to detect and track the disease , treatment effectiveness and  spotting the recurring cancers. As it gives complete information in one exam, it eliminates the need of going to multiple tests. One diagnostic test is far better than multiple as it lessens the financial burden. 


In conclusion PET scans stand as a beacon of accuracy and revolutionise the field of early diagnosis of cancer. PET Scan or PET-CT has the ability to delve into the body's metabolic activity to identify the disease at cellular level. So this diagnostic imaging technique plays a vital role in diagnosis, early detection and accurate staging to assist in therapy selection in cancer patients.

You can get your test anytime with the best diagnostic centres without any hesitation. Remember early detection is crucial to improve treatment efficacy and healthy life.PET scans have many advantages, but in India there are questions regarding their accessibility, affordability and level of quality.  So choose the best diagnostic centre in delhi  like Ganesh Diagnostic And Imaging centre is dedicated to providing PET scan service at a lower rates so that anyone can take timely and affordable healthcare.



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