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  • Writer's pictureRajat Chauhan

Troubleshooting Common Issues in Philips EverFlo Oxygen Concentrator

Common Issues In Philips EverFlo Oxygen Concentrator

The Philips EverFlo Oxygen Concentrator is a reliable and efficient machine designed to provide consistent oxygen therapy to patients who need it. However, like any medical device, it can encounter issues that may impact its performance. Understanding how to troubleshoot these common problems is essential for ensuring that the machine operates effectively and that therapy is not interrupted. This blog will guide you through identifying and resolving these issues, ensuring your Philips EverFlo remains in top working condition.

1. Oxygen Concentration and Output Issues

Inaccurate Oxygen Readings

Inaccurate oxygen readings can occur due to a malfunctioning oxygen sensor or issues with the machine’s calibration. These readings are critical because they ensure that the patient receives the correct oxygen concentration. If the readings seem off, it’s important to recalibrate the machine following the steps in the user manual. If recalibration does not resolve the issue, the sensor may need replacement by a qualified technician.

Low Oxygen Output

Low oxygen output is a serious issue as it directly affects the therapy's effectiveness. Causes of low output can include clogged filters, degraded sieve beds, or a malfunctioning compressor. Begin troubleshooting by checking and replacing or cleaning the filters. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to inspect the sieve beds for degradation and the compressor for any signs of malfunction, such as unusual noise or overheating.

2. Power Supply and Electrical Issues

Unit Will Not Turn On

If your EverFlo unit fails to turn on, it’s likely due to an issue with the power supply. First, ensure the power cord is securely connected and that the outlet is functional. If the machine still does not power on, inspect the internal fuse and replace it if it’s blown. Persistent power issues might indicate a deeper electrical problem, requiring professional service.

LED Failure

The LED indicators on the EverFlo are crucial for monitoring the machine’s status. If an LED fails, it might be due to a burned-out bulb or an issue with the internal wiring. Replacing the LED bulb can resolve this, but if you’re unsure about handling electronics, it’s best to consult a technician to ensure the replacement is done safely.

3. Airflow and Pressure Regulation Problems

Fluctuation in Oxygen Pressure

Stable oxygen pressure is essential for consistent therapy. If you notice fluctuations in pressure, this could be due to leaks in the tubing, issues with the compressor, or obstructions within the system. Start by checking for any visible leaks or obstructions in the tubing. If the tubing is clear, inspect the compressor to ensure it is functioning properly.

High Pressure and Low Pressure Issues

High or low pressure can significantly affect the performance of your oxygen concentrator. High pressure often results from obstructions or faulty valves, which can be resolved by clearing blockages or replacing the valves. Low pressure might be caused by compressor wear or leaks within the system. Regular inspection and maintenance of the compressor and seals are crucial to maintaining proper pressure levels.

4. Mechanical and Operational Issues

Warm Cabinet Temperature

A warm cabinet might indicate that the compressor is overworked or that the unit is not receiving adequate ventilation. It’s important to ensure the EverFlo is placed in a well-ventilated area, away from walls or other objects that could block airflow. If the machine continues to overheat, the compressor may need to be inspected or replaced.

Constant Audible Alarms

Constant audible alarms are designed to alert you to various issues, such as low oxygen purity, pressure problems, or an overheated compressor. It’s important to respond to these alarms promptly. Begin by reviewing the alarm codes in the user manual, which will guide you to the specific issue. From there, check the filters, compressor, and other key components to resolve the problem.

Noisy Operation and Vibration

If your EverFlo is operating noisily or vibrating excessively, it could be due to internal component wear or issues with the fan. Over time, parts can loosen or wear down, leading to these symptoms. Regularly check for loose screws or components, and replace worn parts to prevent further damage.

5. Indicators and Alarms

Overview of Key Indicators

The Philips EverFlo is equipped with several LED indicators that provide vital information about the machine’s status. These indicators include power status, oxygen purity, pressure levels, and maintenance needs. Understanding what each indicator means can help you quickly identify and address potential issues before they escalate.

Understanding Alarm Types

The EverFlo features both audible and visual alarms to alert users to issues such as low oxygen purity, high/low pressure, and other operational problems. Each type of alarm has a specific meaning and corresponding troubleshooting steps outlined in the user manual. Familiarizing yourself with these alarms can help you respond quickly and effectively.

Steps to Respond to Alarms

When an alarm sounds, the first step is to refer to the user manual to identify the cause. Depending on the alarm type, you may need to check the filters, inspect the compressor, or perform other maintenance tasks. If the alarm persists after performing these checks, it’s advisable to contact a technician for further assistance.

Coloured LED Indicators and Their Possible Causes

The Philips EverFlo Oxygen Concentrator is equipped with colored LED indicators that help monitor the machine's status. Each LED color corresponds to a different operational state or issue. Understanding what these indicators mean can help users quickly identify and address any problems.

Here's a table outlining the LED colors and their possible causes:

LED Colour


Possible Cause


Normal Operation

The Machine Is functioning Correctly


Low Oxygen Purity

The oxygen purity has drooped below the acceptable level.


Alarm Condition ( General Unit)

There is a critical fault, such as high/low pressure, or a system failure.

No light

Power Off or LED Failure

The machine is either turned off, or the LED has failed

6. Maintenance and Preventive Care

Importance of Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential for preventing common issues with the EverFlo. By adhering to the maintenance schedule provided in the user manual, you can significantly reduce the risk of problems and extend the life of your machine.

Routine Checks and Replacements

Routine checks include cleaning or replacing filters, inspecting tubing for leaks, and checking the compressor for wear. It’s also important to regularly check the machine’s internal components for signs of wear and tear, replacing any parts as necessary.

Keeping the Machine Clean

Dust and debris can accumulate inside the EverFlo, leading to airflow issues and potential damage. Regular cleaning, both inside and outside the unit, helps prevent this buildup and ensures that the machine continues to function efficiently.

7. Error Codes and Diagnostics

Decoding Error Messages

The EverFlo Oxygen Concentrator is equipped with a system of error codes that help diagnose problems. These codes, displayed on the machine’s interface, correspond to specific issues such as low oxygen purity, pressure problems, or component failures. The user manual provides a detailed explanation of each code and the steps needed to resolve it.

Using Diagnostic Tools

In addition to error codes, the EverFlo includes built-in diagnostic tools that can help you identify issues more precisely. These tools allow you to monitor the machine’s performance and catch potential problems early, before they lead to significant disruptions in therapy.


The Philips EverFlo Oxygen Concentrator is a robust and reliable machine, but like any complex device, it can encounter issues that require attention. By understanding the common problems outlined in this blog and how to troubleshoot them, you can ensure that your EverFlo continues to deliver effective oxygen therapy. Remember, regular maintenance and prompt attention to alarms and indicators are key to keeping your machine in optimal condition.

FAQs to Support EverFlo Users

Q1. What should I do if my oxygen concentrator shows inaccurate oxygen readings?

Ans. Inaccurate oxygen readings could be due to a malfunctioning sensor or calibration issues. First, try recalibrating the machine following the user manual. If the issue persists, contact a service technician.

Q2. Why is my EverFlo unit not turning on?

Ans. Check if the power cord is properly connected and if the outlet is functional. If the unit still doesn’t turn on, inspect the internal fuse and replace it if necessary. Persistent issues might require professional servicing.

Q3. What does a constant audible alarm indicate?

Ans. A constant audible alarm could signal various issues such as low oxygen purity, pressure problems, or an overheated compressor. Refer to the user manual’s troubleshooting section to identify the specific cause and take appropriate action.

Q4. How can I address low oxygen output from my EverFlo?

Ans. Low oxygen output may result from clogged filters, a worn compressor, or degraded sieve beds. Start by replacing or cleaning the filters. If the problem continues, inspect the compressor and sieve beds.

Q5. What causes fluctuations in oxygen pressure, and how can I fix it?

Ans. Fluctuations in oxygen pressure can be due to leaks in the system, compressor issues, or obstructions in the tubing. Check for any visible leaks or obstructions and ensure the compressor is functioning correctly.

Q6. Why is my EverFlo's cabinet warm, and should I be concerned?

Ans. A warm cabinet might indicate an overworked compressor or inadequate ventilation. Ensure the unit is placed in a well-ventilated area and that the vents are not obstructed. If the issue persists, have the compressor inspected.

Q7. How do I respond to an LED failure on my EverFlo?

Ans. If an LED indicator fails, it may be due to a burned-out bulb or wiring issues. You can replace the LED if you're familiar with the machine’s internals, or otherwise, contact a technician to perform the replacement.

Q8. What are the signs of high pressure in my oxygen concentrator, and how can I resolve it? 

Ans. Signs of high pressure include unusual noise, difficulty maintaining the set flow rate, and alarms. Check for obstructions or faulty valves and clear or replace them as necessary.

Q9. How often should I perform maintenance on my EverFlo?  

Ans. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning or replacing filters and checking for worn components, should be performed according to the schedule in your user manual. Typically, filters should be checked monthly, and the unit should be serviced annually.

Q10. What does the 'Low Oxygen Purity' alarm mean, and what should I do?

Ans. The 'Low Oxygen Purity' alarm indicates that the oxygen concentration has dropped below the acceptable level. This could

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